
SwfdecRenderer — provide accelerated rendering and caching abilities


#include <swfdec/swfdec.h>

SwfdecRenderer*     swfdec_renderer_new                 (cairo_surface_t *surface);
SwfdecRenderer*     swfdec_renderer_new_for_player      (cairo_surface_t *surface,
                                                         SwfdecPlayer *player);
cairo_surface_t*    swfdec_renderer_get_surface         (SwfdecRenderer *renderer);

Object Hierarchy



  "surface"                  gpointer              : Read / Write / Construct Only


The SwfdecRenderer object is used internally to improve rendering done by Swfdec.

The first thing SwfdecRenderer does is provide a way to cache data relevant to rendering.

The second thing it does is provide access to the surface that is used for rendering, even when not in the process of rendering. This is relevant for font backends, as different surfaces provide different native fonts. See swfdec_player_set_default_backend() for details about this.

The third thing it does is provide a list of virtual functions for critical operations that you can optimize using subclasses to provide faster implementations. Note that a working default implementation is provided, so you only need to override the functions you care about. See SwfdecRendererClass for details about these functions.



typedef struct _SwfdecRenderer SwfdecRenderer;

The base renderer object. All its members are private.


typedef struct {
  cairo_surface_t *	(* create_similar)		(SwfdecRenderer *	renderer,
							 cairo_surface_t *	surface);
  cairo_surface_t *	(* create_for_data)		(SwfdecRenderer *	renderer,
							 guint8 *		data,
							 cairo_format_t		format,
							 guint			width,
							 guint			height,
							 guint			rowstride);
} SwfdecRendererClass;

The base class for the renderer. It contains some virtual functions that can be overridden in subclasses to accelerate certain time-critical Swfdec functions. For example, a subclass could make use of special hardware features on embedded devices.

create_similar ()

This function imitates cairo_surface_create_similar(). It is supposed to create a surface with identical contents as the given surface, but tuned for usage with the given renderer.

create_for_data ()

This function imitates cairo_surface_create_for_data(). It creates a surface for the given data, tuned for the given renderer. The function takes ownership of the passed in data and is responsible for freeing it with g_free() when it no longer needs it.

swfdec_renderer_new ()

SwfdecRenderer*     swfdec_renderer_new                 (cairo_surface_t *surface);

Creates a new renderer to be used with the given surface.

surface :

a cairo surface

Returns :

a new renderer

swfdec_renderer_new_for_player ()

SwfdecRenderer*     swfdec_renderer_new_for_player      (cairo_surface_t *surface,
                                                         SwfdecPlayer *player);

Creates a renderer to be used with the given surface and player. The renderer will use the same cache as the player.

surface :

a cairo surface

player :

the player this renderer should be used with

Returns :

a new renderer

swfdec_renderer_get_surface ()

cairo_surface_t*    swfdec_renderer_get_surface         (SwfdecRenderer *renderer);

Gets the surface that was used when creating this surface.

renderer :

a renderer

Returns :

the surface used by this renderer

Property Details

The "surface" property

  "surface"                  gpointer              : Read / Write / Construct Only

cairo surface in use by this renderer.