
SwfdecStream — object used for input


#include <swfdec/swfdec.h>

gboolean            swfdec_stream_is_open               (SwfdecStream *stream);
gboolean            swfdec_stream_is_complete           (SwfdecStream *stream);
void                swfdec_stream_open                  (SwfdecStream *stream);
void                swfdec_stream_push                  (SwfdecStream *stream,
                                                         SwfdecBuffer *buffer);
void                swfdec_stream_close                 (SwfdecStream *stream);
void                swfdec_stream_error                 (SwfdecStream *stream,
                                                         const char *error,
void                swfdec_stream_errorv                (SwfdecStream *stream,
                                                         const char *error,
                                                         va_list args);

Object Hierarchy



  "complete"                 gboolean              : Read
  "error"                    gchar*                : Read
  "open"                     gboolean              : Read


SwfdecStream is the base class used for communication inside Swfdec. If you are a UNIX developer, think of this class as the equivalent to a file descriptor. SwfdecLoader and SwfdecSocket are the subclasses supposed to be used for files or network sockets, respectively.

This class provides the functions necessary to implement subclasses of streams. None of the functions described in this section should be used by anything but subclass implementations. Consider them "protected".



typedef struct _SwfdecStream SwfdecStream;

This is the base object used for providing input. It is abstract, use a subclass to provide your input. All members are considered private.


typedef struct {
  /* get a nice description string */
  const char *		(* describe)		(SwfdecStream *		stream);
  /* close the stream. */
  void			(* close)		(SwfdecStream *		stream);
} SwfdecStreamClass;

This is the base class used for providing input. You are supposed to create a subclass that fills in the function pointers mentioned above.

describe ()

Provide a string describing your string. Default implementations of this function exist for both the SwfdecLoader and SwfdecStream subclasses. They return the URL for the stream.

close ()

Called when Swfdec requests that the stream be closed. After this function was called, Swfdec will consider the stream finished and will not ever read data from it again.

swfdec_stream_is_open ()

gboolean            swfdec_stream_is_open               (SwfdecStream *stream);

Checks if the given stream is currrently open. Some functions, for example swfdec_socket_send(), require an open stream.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

Returns :

TRUE if the stream is open, FALSE otherwise.

swfdec_stream_is_complete ()

gboolean            swfdec_stream_is_complete           (SwfdecStream *stream);

Checks if all data has successfully been transmitted through the stream and it has been closed.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

Returns :

TRUE if the stream is completed, FALSE otherwise.

swfdec_stream_open ()

void                swfdec_stream_open                  (SwfdecStream *stream);

Call this function when your stream opened the resulting file. For HTTP this is when having received the headers. You must call this function before swfdec_stream_push() can be called.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

swfdec_stream_push ()

void                swfdec_stream_push                  (SwfdecStream *stream,
                                                         SwfdecBuffer *buffer);

Makes the data in buffer available to stream and processes it. The stream must be open.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

buffer :

new data to make available. The stream takes the reference to the buffer.

swfdec_stream_close ()

void                swfdec_stream_close                 (SwfdecStream *stream);

Indicates to stream that no more data will follow. The stream must be open.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

swfdec_stream_error ()

void                swfdec_stream_error                 (SwfdecStream *stream,
                                                         const char *error,

Moves the stream in the error state if it wasn't before. A stream that is in the error state will not process any more data. Also, internal error handling scripts may be executed.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

error :

a printf-style string describing the error

... :

arguments for the error string

swfdec_stream_errorv ()

void                swfdec_stream_errorv                (SwfdecStream *stream,
                                                         const char *error,
                                                         va_list args);

This function is the va_list alternative to swfdec_stream_error(). See that function for details.

stream :

a SwfdecStream

error :

a printf-style error string

args :

arguments for error

Property Details

The "complete" property

  "complete"                 gboolean              : Read

TRUE when all data has been transmitted.

Default value: FALSE

The "error" property

  "error"                    gchar*                : Read

NULL when no error or string describing error.

Default value: NULL

The "open" property

  "open"                     gboolean              : Read

TRUE while data is flowing.

Default value: FALSE