
SwfdecURL — URL handling in Swfdec


#include <swfdec/swfdec.h>

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new                      (const char *string);
SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_from_input           (const char *input);
SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_components           (const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *hostname,
                                                         guint port,
                                                         const char *path,
                                                         const char *query);
SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_relative             (const SwfdecURL *url,
                                                         const char *string);
SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_parent               (const SwfdecURL *url);
SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_copy                     (const SwfdecURL *url);
void                swfdec_url_free                     (SwfdecURL *url);
const char*         swfdec_url_get_protocol             (const SwfdecURL *url);
gboolean            swfdec_url_has_protocol             (const SwfdecURL *url,
                                                         const char *protocol);
const char*         swfdec_url_get_host                 (const SwfdecURL *url);
guint               swfdec_url_get_port                 (const SwfdecURL *url);
const char*         swfdec_url_get_path                 (const SwfdecURL *url);
const char*         swfdec_url_get_query                (const SwfdecURL *url);
const char*         swfdec_url_get_url                  (const SwfdecURL *url);
gboolean            swfdec_url_is_local                 (const SwfdecURL *url);
gboolean            swfdec_url_is_parent                (const SwfdecURL *parent,
                                                         const SwfdecURL *child);
char*               swfdec_url_format_for_display       (const SwfdecURL *url);
guint               swfdec_url_hash                     (gconstpointer url);
gboolean            swfdec_url_equal                    (gconstpointer a,
                                                         gconstpointer b);
gboolean            swfdec_url_host_equal               (gconstpointer a,
                                                         gconstpointer b);
gboolean            swfdec_url_path_is_relative         (const char *path);


SwfdecURL is Swfdec's way of handling URLs. You probably don't need to mess with this type unless you want to write a SwfdecLoader. In that case you will want to use swfdec_loader_get_url() to get its url and then use the functions in this section to access it.

Note that URLs inside Swfdec mirror the behavior of Flash and will therefore not miror standards behavior, but the behavior of Flash.

see_also: SwfdecLoader



typedef struct _SwfdecURL SwfdecURL;

this is the structure used for URLs. It is a boxed type to glib's type system and it is not reference counted. It is also a static struct in that it cannot be modified after creation.

swfdec_url_new ()

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new                      (const char *string);

Parses the given string into a URL for use in swfdec.

string :

a valid utf-8 string possibly containing an URL

Returns :

a new SwfdecURL or NULL if the URL was invalid

swfdec_url_new_from_input ()

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_from_input           (const char *input);

Tries to guess the right URL from the given input. This function is meant as a utility function helping to convert user input (like command line arguments) to a URL without requiring the full URL.

input :

the input povided

Returns :

a new url best matching the given input.

swfdec_url_new_components ()

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_components           (const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *hostname,
                                                         guint port,
                                                         const char *path,
                                                         const char *query);

Creates a new URL from the given components.

protocol :

protocol to use

hostname :

hostname or IP address or NULL

port :

port number or 0. Must be 0 if no hostname is given

path :

a path or NULL

query :

the query string or NULL

Returns :

a new url pointing to the url from the given components

swfdec_url_new_relative ()

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_relative             (const SwfdecURL *url,
                                                         const char *string);

Parses string into a new URL. If the given string is a relative URL, it uses url to resolve it to an absolute url; url must already contain a directory path.

url :

a SwfdecURL

string :

a relative or absolute URL path

Returns :

a new SwfdecURL or NULL if an error was detected.

swfdec_url_new_parent ()

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_new_parent               (const SwfdecURL *url);

Creates a new url that is the parent of url. If the given url has no parent, a copy of itself is returned.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

a new url pointing to the parent of url or NULL on failure.

swfdec_url_copy ()

SwfdecURL*          swfdec_url_copy                     (const SwfdecURL *url);

copies the given url.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

a new SwfdecURL

swfdec_url_free ()

void                swfdec_url_free                     (SwfdecURL *url);

Frees the URL and its associated ressources.

url :

a SwfdecURL

swfdec_url_get_protocol ()

const char*         swfdec_url_get_protocol             (const SwfdecURL *url);

Gets the protocol used by this URL, such as "http" or "file".

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

the protocol used or "error" if the URL is broken

swfdec_url_has_protocol ()

gboolean            swfdec_url_has_protocol             (const SwfdecURL *url,
                                                         const char *protocol);

Checks if the given url references the given protocol

url :

a url

protocol :

protocol name to check for

Returns :

TRUE if both protocols match, FALSE otherwise

swfdec_url_get_host ()

const char*         swfdec_url_get_host                 (const SwfdecURL *url);

Gets the host for url as a lower case string.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

the host or NULL if none (typically for file URLs).

swfdec_url_get_port ()

guint               swfdec_url_get_port                 (const SwfdecURL *url);

Gets the port number specified by the given url. If the url does not specify a port number, 0 will be returned.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

the specified port or 0 if none was given.

swfdec_url_get_path ()

const char*         swfdec_url_get_path                 (const SwfdecURL *url);

Gets the path associated with url. If it contains no path, NULL is returned.


The returned path does not start with a slash. So in particular for files, you want to prepend the slash yourself.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

the path or NULL if none

swfdec_url_get_query ()

const char*         swfdec_url_get_query                (const SwfdecURL *url);

Gets the query string associated with url. If the URL does not have a query string, NULL is returned.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

Query string or NULL

swfdec_url_get_url ()

const char*         swfdec_url_get_url                  (const SwfdecURL *url);

Gets the whole URL.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

the complete URL as string

swfdec_url_is_local ()

gboolean            swfdec_url_is_local                 (const SwfdecURL *url);

Checks if the given url references a local resource. Local resources are treated differently by Flash, since they get a higher degree of trust.

url :

the url to check

Returns :

TRUE if the given url is local.

swfdec_url_is_parent ()

gboolean            swfdec_url_is_parent                (const SwfdecURL *parent,
                                                         const SwfdecURL *child);

Checks if the given parent url is a parent url of the given child url. The algorithm used is the same as checking policy files if hey apply. If parent equals child, TRUE is returned. This function does not compare query strings.

parent :

the supposed parent url

child :

the supposed child url

Returns :

TRUE if parent is a parent of child, FALSE otherwise.

swfdec_url_format_for_display ()

char*               swfdec_url_format_for_display       (const SwfdecURL *url);

Creates a string suitable to display the given url. An example for using this function is to identify a currently playing Flash URL. Use swfdec_player_get_url() to query the player's URL and then use this function to get a displayable string.

url :

the url to display

Returns :

A new string containig a short description for this URL. g_free() after use.

swfdec_url_hash ()

guint               swfdec_url_hash                     (gconstpointer url);

Creates a hash value for the given url. This function is intended to be used together with swfdec_url_equal() in a GHashtable.

url :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

a hash value

swfdec_url_equal ()

gboolean            swfdec_url_equal                    (gconstpointer a,
                                                         gconstpointer b);

Compares the 2 given URLs for equality. 2 URLs are considered equal, when they point to the same resource. This function is intended to be used together with swfdec_url_hash() in a GHashtable.

a :

a SwfdecURL

b :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

TRUE if the 2 given urls point to the same resource, FALSE otherwise.

swfdec_url_host_equal ()

gboolean            swfdec_url_host_equal               (gconstpointer a,
                                                         gconstpointer b);

Compares the 2 given URLs for equality, ignoring path. 2 URLs are considered to have equal hosts when they have the same protocol, host, and port.

a :

a SwfdecURL

b :

a SwfdecURL

Returns :

TRUE if the 2 given urls point to the same host, FALSE otherwise.

swfdec_url_path_is_relative ()

gboolean            swfdec_url_path_is_relative         (const char *path);

Checks if the given URL is relative or absolute.

path :

a string used to specify a url

Returns :

TRUE if the path is a relative path, FALSE if it is absolute